3D Pictures - Updated

Written on February 13, 2020

Recently ive been working on making 3D pictures using 3D printing.

Here is a picture of one of them:

This one is pretty basic but I kinda like the minimalistic look, this photo was taken near Wast Water in the Lake district.

Please excuse the terrible paper background and boring paint job on this one, it was the first one I did.

Im pretty happy with it and my plan is to make a bigger one that is like 50cm wide and then make a wooden frame for it.


This is how I achieved this.

First I got the image I wanted to use, cut it down to size and removed the sky and made it white

Here are some progress pictures:

Then I put it into the wonderful Lithophane maker by MarkDurbin104

I used these settings.

I then just 3D printed it at 0.2mm layer height using a 0.4mm nozzle (bigger nozzle size and layer heights do work though).

I then made a small paper background and painted both (badly) and made a small frame in Tinkercad and printed this stand.

I hope this helps others to make cool little (or big) 3D pictures.

Update - 24/2/2020

I have now completed my final goal for this project, I have printed a large scale version (~50cm wide), here are some pictures:

This one was printed using a 0.8mm nozzle at 0.32mm layer height, I decided to leave this one unpainted as I feel it will show off the detail better.

The original photo was taken at Llyn Idwal in Snowdonia.